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How To Solve The Music Room Statue Puzzle In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

How To Solve The Music Room Statue Puzzle In Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Rook, Varric, and some of the best Dragon Age characters return to aid the fight against Solas in Dragon Age: The Veilguard
. However, once you manage to set the events of the story into motion, your attention shifts to more pressing matters, like finding out how to open the door to the Music Room at the Lighthouse in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.


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The Lighthouse area allows you time to explore, speak to Harding and Neve, and then gather your team for a meeting. However, en route to your objective, there’s still plenty of time to stop and complete a short puzzle to let yourself into the Music Room.

How To Get Into The Music Room In The Library

Once you arrive in the Courtyard section of the lighthouse, you’ll notice several large statues looming around the area.

Starting from the central area in the Courtyard, you can enter the large door to the Library, and you’ll notice a branching path to the right behind a locked door.

This locked door is the Music Room.

To access the Music Room, you must solve the Music Room Puzzle by aligning three sets of statues: one pair on the left, one on the right, and another couplet close together in the middle.

There is a scrawled note at the foot of the first statue from couplet number three that explains how to solve the puzzle, but luckily we’re here to make it simple.

Statue Pair One

The first set of statues for The Music Room puzzle in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Starting from the door to the library in the center of the Courtyard, head up the stairs on the right or left side and head to the middle archway directly above the door.

Ignore the statues in the far corners, for now, we’re going to finish those last.

Under the archway, you’ll notice two statues with large lever-like handles jutting out from them – these enable you to turn each statue.

Align the large bronze handles by walking into them until the statues are facing each other.

Once you correctly align a pair of statues, blue sparks will be emitted and float to the Music Room door, indicating that the couple is done.

Statue Pair Two

If facing the library door, head to the right side of the room first and follow a broken floating path to the Workshop area.

You will know you’re entering a new area when an indication pops up on the top right. Check your current location above the minimap to verify where you are.

Head around the left side of the Workshop to the back, and you’ll find the first statue of the second pair.

In the distance, you’ll see the second statue that you need to pair with this one – face the first statue’s handle toward the other one across the gap.

Once done, head back to the front of the building, up the stairs, and make a left.

Go up, and you’ll see two broken paths: one leading into a building at the same elevation, and another path heading down.

Take the path heading down (you’ll need to drop a short distance) and head through the archway to find the second statue.

Grab the Codex entry and chest here before you finish.

Align the statue and watch the sparks fly before progressing to the final couplet.

Statue Pair Three

From here, head back up the path and turn left where you’ll see a large building, the Dining Hall.

Progress around the far side of the building (on the left side of the room when facing the library door) and up the stairs to the first statue of the final couplet.

Rotate its handle to face the opposite direction it starts (back toward the other rotunda across the Courtyard), then return to the starting door.

From the starting door, head up the stairs on the left side of the room to find one of the statues you may have ignored on your way to finishing the first pair.

Grab the chest behind the statue, then rotate it to face the direction of the statue near the Dining Hall.

Rook will announce “That did something,” which is your cue to head back to the Music Room and collect your reward.

What Reward Is Inside The Music Room?

Rook prepares to collect their rewards from the table in The Music Room in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

Once you finish the statue puzzle and enter The Music Room, you’ll be treated to rewards in three chests, which include:

  • Memories Of A Duet Codex Entry
  • 20 Flawless Crystals
  • About 400 Gold

From here, you can admire the dark view out the windows, or take a gander at the piano, but otherwise, you’re ready to continue your journey.


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